We get it, creating an account is annoying and you'd probably rather not have to make one! Unfortunatly, we do need you to create one.
Here are the two main reasons you need an account
1) Real estate board data - this information is provided by the real estate board and can only be shared if an identifable user is linked with an agent. There is no other way for us to share some of this data, unfortunatly.
2) Geospatial data licensing - some data is licensed to us under licenses that require us to track the number of users we share it with (this is what determins how much we have to pay for the access). For this reason we need our visitors to have acounts so we can report accurate unqiue user accounts.
We will not share your information unless you specifically ask us to, and in all cases where we do ask you to share you information with a 3rd party you can always opt out of this.
We hope you understand, but if you have any questions please do not hesitate to reach out
hello@mappedby.com and tell us how we can do better!